
Nutritional Disorders

Failure to Thrive

When the weight and height of a child is not growing adequately. It’s known as failure to thrive. Common causes of this are inadequate intake and malabsorption. At the onset the doctor would assess intake. If intake is adequate then one would rule out malabsorption or losses from body such as diarrhea. Remember any major systemic illness / related to liver /heart/kidneys /intestine/tumors can lead to failure to thrive. Its very important to regularly visit your doctor during the childhood and adolescent period so that the growth is monitored and necessary action taken.

Did you know?

Most affording parents may not know what diet to give to their children?

You should regularly monitor growth of your child on a growth check up. Failure to thrive can lead to emotional/developmental intelligence and cognition related issue in a child.

Short Stature

This could result from a number of causes. Firstly the doctor will assess the genetic potential by recording the height of the parents and child and plotting it on a growth chart.

There are different charts for girls and boy.Then dietic intake in assessed. Then some blood tests are asked to assess for anaemia liver, kidney tests Vitamin D levels, Calcium, blood sugar and thyroid levels. X-ray of hand may also be asked for to assess the bone age of child and decide for the potential for further growth of the child.

The common causes are hypothyroidism, Vitamin D deficiency and malabsorption like celiac disease, which is intolerance to wheat.


Dr. Neelam Mohan is one of the few women doctors in India who has balanced the various pillars of medical profession and is appreciated as an astute clinician/ healer, bright teacher, researcher, efficient leader/ administrator and for her contribution in social work. She has to her credit many achievements that has put the country on the global medical map.

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